Registered Charity Number 1201141

What is the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance?

The Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance (MTA) is a registered charity founded by Tanya Buxton in 2021, created to help support breast cancer survivors reclaim their bodies after mastectomy surgeries.

Medical tattoos, in particular Mastectomy Tattoos, play a vital role in a person’s physical and emotional healing after breast cancer.

Areola tattoos are of huge significance and truly life changing, helping to mark the end of a breast cancer journey in order to embark on a new chapter of health and happiness. Unfortunately, information about this wonderful service and its talented artists is not always easily accessible to survivors. Many women are unaware of the options available to them after mastectomy surgeries and treatments are completed.

Our aim is to make these tattoos more widely available within the breast cancer community by building an organisation that will not only help fund the tattoo but would also connect them with experienced Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance artists approved by the MTA; ensuring peace of mind and a guarantee that their artist meets the required high level of skill, creativity and quality.

We are focused on raising awareness of the options available to survivors and making these tattoos more widely available for the breast cancer community.

Qualifications for mta funded tattoos

To help relieve the breast cancer community, MTA Charity covers the cost for areola restorative tattoos. NMR Tattoo is teaming up with MTA to help those who need financial help and access to high quality restorative tattoos. Qualifications for NMR Tattoo charity funding include:

  • loss of health insurance coverage/ no health insurance

  • low income status

  • Breast Cancer/BRCA related reason

scheduling MTA funded tattoos

MTA funded tattoos are scheduled on designated dates for each month. If you reschedule or cancel your MTA funded tattoos, we will gift that spot to the next person on the list. Normal business hours cannot be used to reschedule a MTA funded tattoo. Due to the demand, there will be a waiting list for applicants if no dates are available.

Apply for MTA funded tattoos here